

提供超出用户期望的产品,一直是深圳易连汇通科技有限公司(以下简称“易连汇通”“我们”)追求的目标。为了帮助我们了解您的需求,提高产品质量并改善产品服务,易连汇通在此诚挚邀请您参加我们的用户体验改善计划,请您仔细查阅以下声明。您同意,当您加入我们的用户体验改善计划时,已经仔细阅读并完全同意本计划(未成年人应在家长陪同下阅读)。 易连汇通在此提示您,随产品发展,本声明有不定期更改之可能,如有变动,将会在产品或相关页面显著位置予以发布公告并明示用户。如果您不同意更改内容,您有权随时退出计划,您未主动退出即视为接受本计划的变更。







易连汇通承诺上述收集均不涉及用户个人身份等隐私信息。我们尊重您的隐私, 更多相关信息请查看我们的隐私政策(http://www.aicare.net.cn/agreement/PRIVACY%20POLICY%20.html。




用户可以根据自身意愿,在“好身材”软件“我的”——“ 参与用户体验改善计划”项目中,自由选择开启或关闭。如果用户选择开启,即表示用户选择参与易连汇通用户体验计划;如果用户选择关闭,即可退出用户体验计划。




提供超出用戶期望的產品,一直是易連匯通科技(以下簡稱“易連匯通”“我們”)追求的目標。為了幫助我們瞭解您的需求,提高產品品質並改善產品服務,易連匯通在此誠摯邀請您參加我們的用戶體驗改善計畫,請您仔細查閱以下聲明。您同意,當您加入我們的用戶體驗改善計畫時,已經仔細閱讀並完全同意本計畫(未成年人應在家長陪同下閱讀)。 易連匯通在此提示您,隨產品發展,本聲明有不定期更改之可能,如有變動,將會在產品或相關頁面顯著位置予以發佈公告並明示用戶。如果您不同意更改內容,您有權隨時退出計畫,您未主動退出即視為接受本計畫的變更。







易連匯通承諾上述收集均不涉及用戶個人身份等隱私資訊。我們尊重您的隱私, 更多相關資訊請查看我們的隱私政策(http://www.aicare.net.cn/agreement/PRIVACY%20POLICY%20.html。




用戶可以根據自身意願,在“好身材”軟體“我的”——“ 參與用戶體驗改善計畫”專案中,自由選擇開啟或關閉。如果用戶選擇開啟,即表示用戶選擇參與易連匯通用戶體驗計畫;如果用戶選擇關閉,即可退出用戶體驗計畫。


User Experience Program

Dear Users

Offering over-expected product is AiCare’s major target. To know more about your needs, also rise the quality level and improve services, AiCare sincerely invite you to join our User Experience Program, please read following statement in detail. When you agree to join the programme, means that you already carefully read and fully agreed this programme(Minors must be accompanied by the parents to read this statement). AiCare noted that with the product development, it is possible to revise the statement, if so, will make the announcement and express to users at the obvious location of product or related website. If you do not agree with the change of contents, you can quit the programme in any time, if you didn’t quit voluntarily, you will be deemed to accept the change of the plan.

Information collection

Only the following data are sent by the users involved in the program:

(1) the general information of the mobile phone, including the name of the device, the system version, the SDK version number, regions and languages, ID installation, App version number, operator, screen resolution and the channel number.

(2) the usage condition of product function, the purpose is to count the specific use of each function, so that we can make a correct judgment on the importance of each function, and then guide us to adjust the priority of function development. For example, the use of different types of sports, the use of various functional modules, and the number of clicks on related pages, so that we can better improve our products.

(3) the debugging information of the product function, in order to improve the stability of the Aifit software and provide better quality of service, we will collect the relevant debugging information.

(4) From the purpose of better using Aifit, we will upload measurement data to the cloud, including and not limited to: weight, BMI, body fat rate, muscle rate and so on. These data will be used only for query data and synchronous data.

AiCare promised that the above collection does not involve user's personal identity and other private information. We respect your privacy. For more information, please check the privacy policy.http://www.aicare.net.cn/agreement/PRIVACY%20POLICY%20.html

The use of information

AiCare committed that, strictly adhered to the relevant laws and regulations of the state, this plan is completely anonymous to the following data and information collection , and will not match the content of any other personal information. AiCare will keep the content of the collection strictly confidential and use the following information only to improve the quality and service of the product. It will not be provided to any third party company that is not related to the purpose.

Join and exit the plan

Users can according to their own wishes freely choose to open or close in the Aifit software "my", "participate in the User Experience Program". If the user chooses to open, it means that the user chooses to participate in the product user experience plan. If the user chooses to close, the user experience plan can be withdrawn.

After the withdrawal of the plan, AiCare will no longer collect the content of the "information collection", all the data will be only saved in the local, please noted that if the account login with other mobile phone/device, it will not be able to synchronize the corresponding data.